A two-page handwritten list of names and appointments (AI or TA, half-time or full-time): Valerie Balester, Sue Simmons, Tom Reber, Hector Torres, Joan Shiring, Lisa Bassett, Kathleen McDonagh, Paul Taylor, Julie Basco, Doug Anderson, Kyung Sook Shin, Lisa Judge, Pam Opiela, Anju Kapur, Eve Scherr, Scott Deaven (?), Tom Foster, Greg Lyons, James McDonald, Shelli Booth Fowler, Medhat Sidky Rabis, Julia Lowther, Dana Harrington, Marj Hoye. Included are notes on the order of preference and why some people are preferred over others.
Two memos, one announcing that there would be no faculty training sessions during the summer of 1985, the other collecting information for a proposed handbook to help faculty design substantial writing component courses.
An explanation of which English courses can transfer for credit as Substantial Writing Component Courses, offered to Weinstock, Associate Dean of Liberal Arts. This was written by Kruppa, Associate Chair of English.
A rough outline for the content of a seminar to train faculty unfamiliar with writing instruction
A memo asking why E106/206 would not be offered, reporting two conflicting explanations, and asking which is true
Items discussed: Langford and Ames will become Emeritus, Kruppa reports on spring 1984 undergrad course offerings, discussion of courses offerings and possibly revising some course titles, poet Albert Goldbarth awarded Guggenheim fellowship, move to hire another esteemed poet, David Beer reports that full report on lecturer matters will be completed by 6 May 1983.
In attendance: Moldenhauer, Cable, Carton, Cullingford, Duncan, Friedman, Gordan, Jollifee, King, Kruppe, Lesser Rossman, Skaggs.
Summary of items mentioned in a meeting of the departmental Senate, including: presidential approval of the new writing program, motion to form a subcommittee on lecturers (defeated), senate project, faculty recruitment
Ruszkiewicz draft of letter to _The Daily Texan_ regarding recent printed comments by Lesser regarding the nature of E 306 and E 346, dated March 16, 1985.
English Department meeting minutes discussing logistical and staffing problems related to freshman composition and establishing teams to examine various issues related to teaching freshman composition. This meeting leads to the creation of the Format Teams.
Attached is Trimble's synopsis on Freshman Composition.
An unmarked draft of Slatin's letter on composition and plan for the lower-division writing program.
Letter from James Sledd to English Department regarding freshman English and curriculum issues.
Personal letter from local citizen Tom McLaughlin regarding Alan Gribben's position on E 306 curriculum.
Letter from Ellis to Dean Meacham regarding E 306 curriculum with a proposed alternative curriculum, and personal note copied to Ruszkiewicz expressing approval for Ruszkiewicz's editorial in the Daily Texan and opposition to E 306 curriculum change.
Murray, a freshman engineering major, issues a grammatical and syntactical take down of Wilson's letter to the UT president, which expressed displeasure with the faculty's rejection of a multicultural education requirement. Murray argues that Wilson's mistakes prove that E 306 is not doing a good job teaching students how to write.
Memo convening the LDEPC to discuss E 306 curriculum and a shift to Writing About Difference, including her meeting with the Dean, and new AI preparation
Secretary to the University Council Kelley passes along the legislation drafted by Educational Policy Committee and approved by the University Council, informing the general faculty of its impending adoption of curriculum and admission revisions.
An amendment suggesting that all students be required to take E 306, among other things
Proposed changes to the university program allowing some students provisional admission; the proposal suggests that all students be required to take E 306 unless they've received credit for it elsewhere
A complete assignment prompt for a causal argument and a student paper responding to the prompt
A memo from Sutherland proposing a special variant of E 306 to serve Mexican-American students; a handwritten memo from Kennamer expressing enthusiasm about the proposal.
A syllabus with optional units, assignments, and textbooks
A description of the LDEPC, its subcommittees, major functions, and duties of the director, associate director, and assistant director. The committee’s responsibilities and courses are listed as are its members and their duties.
LDEPC meeting minutes. Items discussed: variant course proposals for E 306, E 309k, E 314L, and E 316K.
In attendance: Brodkey, Heinzelman, Kimball, Ruszkiewicz, Slatin, Fowler, Hinman, Villalobos
Four page letter from former UT Austin graduate student Rene Williams on November 11, 1990 to John Ruszkiewicz expressing support for the positions he took on the E 306 controversy.
LDEPC Agenda. Items listed: 298T practicum, AI supervision