Minutes of the 26 October 1988 meeting of the LDEPC. Items discussed: Weeda's 306Q proposal, Supervision of TAs/AIs, Rebhorn's supervision proposal, grade inflation. Weeda’s proposal is approved. The committee discussed: the instruments used to evaluate graduate instructors; a proposal that graduate instructors apprentice for a year in 306 before teaching their own classes; grade inflation; a proposal to designate all 309M courses “Computer Assisted,” so a small lab fee could be charged. Last proposal is approved.
LDEPC Items listed: AI/TA supervision, 298T practicum, variant course proposals; variant course proposals for E309L (The Writing Process) and E309K (Writing About Science Fiction) are attached
An announcement and agenda for an upcoming LDEPC meeting. Items listed: AI/TA supervision, Variant text proposals; guidelines for variant text proposals and variant text proposals are attached. Included also is a brief report on the LDEPC’s vote to recommend that all TAs be allowed to apprentice in E 306 for one semester before becoming instructors of record.
Attached: a memo from Weeda and Rebhorn advising all interested parties to submit their interest in teaching 309 to the office and further documentation about how to submit the proposal and university requirements for SWC classes.
Variant text proposals are attached: Ingrassia (E 306), Grant (E 306), Madden (E 306).
Other course proposals with handwritten comments are attached: by Grant (309K), Finley, Carver, Hall, Penticoff, Bose (E 314L), Madden (E 309K)
A list of documents (not attached): Course variant proposals and revisions to the AI/TA supervision plan
A full description of changes made to supervision of graduate instructors to comply with university guidelines. Notable topics include: faculty supervision and evaluation of Teaching Assistants, Assistant Instructor responsibilities and supervision; and the supervision program for new instructors, including orientation, E 298T/398T.
A memo announcing an upcoming meeting of the LDEPC. Items listed: Survey of Teaching Assistants, 306Q, grade inflation.
Minutes of the 5 October 1988 meeting of the LDPC. Items discussed include: office hours, E 316K, E 298T, Brodkey's development of a new E 306 syllabus (deferred). A proposal is considered requiring that all Assistant Instructors first serve for a year as Teaching Assistants. This leads to a discussion about over-enrollment in classes and staffing issues caused by low budgets. The committee decides to put off any discussion of the E 306 syllabus until Brodkey has had a whole semester teaching E 398T under her belt.
Berry requests to teach two sections of E 309K in the spring: “Popular Culture and the Self in Modern America.” Berry describes the course, its texts, and reports high student evaluations.
Rebhorn reports on a number of developments. Most importantly, high enrollment in E 306 has forced the department to offer fewer sections of E 309. Therefore, instructors cannot assume they will teach E 309 in the spring. Fewer computer-assisted classes will be available too.
A memo from Slatin, saying that he’s already been approved to teach his 309M course in the spring and in a computer classroom (FAC 9). Slatin mentions that this is the course’s second iteration and it’s important to his research.
A memo detailing Rebhorn's conversation with Sutherland on the following topics: enrollment crunch, TA training, publicizing the practicum. Particular attention is given to the proposal to require all AIs to TA for one year and the LDPC’s concerns about underfunding and understaffing due to the “enrollment crunch.”
A full assessment of the lab, what it does for the writing program and what services it will provide in the new writing program with specific reflection on E 346K, E 106 and E 206
A memo to Carol McKay explaining some reactions to McMurrey's request for additional funds so the Writing Lab can accommodate the new writing program
Brodkey's account of the E 306 controversy. Attached is a copy of the E 306 syllabus including course description, reading list, schedule , unit and assignment descriptions, published 1996
The controversial anthology on racism and sexism that would be featured in the 1990 E 306 syllabus.
James Duban and John Ruszkiewicz letter of July 9, 1990 to Linda Brodkey expressing interest in E 306 curriculum development and proposing curriculum and textbook related motions for the LDEPC.
LDEPC meeting minutes. Items discussed: E 306 "Writing About Difference" course and textbook, standardization of curriculum and textbook at AI orientation, and a vote to accept the next year's primary text: Racism and Sexism.
Addendum April 4, 1990 Jim Duban asks that the minutes reflect his serious reservations about the standard curriculum.
In attendance: Brodkey, Duban, Fernea, Heinzelman, Kimball, Slatin, Fowler, Hinman, Villalobos
Meeting agenda for LDEPC.
Attached: letters clarifying positions taken in earlier meetings from James Duban and John Ruszkiewicz, and proposals from John Ruszkiewicz.
Memo from Linda Brodkey to LDEPC responding to objection of John Ruszkiewicz to proposed E 306 changes.
Meeting Minutes of Lower Division English Policy Committee from April 10, 1990. AI proposals for E 309 courses were discussed, as were John Ruszkiewicz's proposals for E 306 Curriculum
In attendance Brodkey, Duban, Fernea, Heinzelman, Kimball, Ruszkiewicz, Slatin, Fowler, Villalobos
Meeting minutes from LDEPC meeting on 17 April 1990. Topics discussed: Ruszkiewicz's reservations about the proposed E 306 curriculum on writing about difference, responses to these concerns, possible textboooks, and role of AIs in teaching the course.
In attendance: Brodkey, Duban, Fernea, Heinzelman, Kimball, Ruszkiewicz
A detailed budget for extra staff, so the Writing Lab can serve the new writing program including E 346K
A revised version of Gribben's refutation of Sara Diamond's "Reading' Writin' and Repressin'" (_Z Magazine_ February 1991)
Topics discussed: Various faculty concerns with changes in E 306 curriculum, Writing About Difference, Petition regarding changes in Sophomore English requirement
In attendance and speaking: Kruppa, Brodkey, Luedke, Hilfer, Marcus, Kearns, Frost, Lesser, Hairston, Duban, Fitzgerald, Ericson, Ruszkiewicz, Kimball, Worthen, Kidd, Voss, Kelly, Warshauer, Zuren, Kinneavy, Downs-Gamble, Heinzelman, Barbara Harlow, Rita Copeland, Kelley, Bose, Taylor, Bertelsen, Worthen, Velz, Rebhorn, Bump
An extensive list of violations with complaints about the new syllabus drafted by Gribben over the summer to replace the original Brodkey syllabus