Introduction, description of course and rationale, advice to new instructors, unit and assignment descriptions
The same syllabus as the English 306 1984/5 syllabus. Introduction, procedures, advice to new instructors, writing assignments, and units
Handbook featuring: a description of the first-year writing program, policies that instructors and students must follow, and services for instructors and students.
This syllabus was based on the 1985 syllabus by John Ruszkiewicz and James Kinneavy, the 8th version of a syllabus originally produced in 1975. It includes the following units: 1. Introduction to Language and self-expressive writing; 2. reporting information; 3. evaluating information; 4. analyzing texts; 5. researching and writing strategies; 6. library research paper. The syllabus indicates that all instructors are required to cover at least units 1, 3, 4, & 6. Further advice, writing prompts, and suggested readings are given for each unit.
The syllabus includes 8 essays, 3 written in-class, and a final essay exam. The exam and the research paper are required parts of the class, and drafting and revising is required for at least two of the essays.
Two diagnostic exams are required (both in-class essays)--topics are listed for instructors on pp. 5-6
There is an appendix on collaborative learning for those wanting to teach from Kenneth Bruffee’s _Short Course in Writing_.
A complete syllabus including course description, course objectives, unit and assignment descriptions, and a reading list
An announcement and agenda for an upcoming FEPC meeting. The items listed on the agenda are all “Old Business”: proposal for extra textbooks, texts for 87-87, personnel subcommittee report.
A proposal to conduct research on the role of essay anthologies on second-language learners in first-year writing classes
A report of a survey of lower-division instructors, asking them what textbooks and handbooks they used; the report includes statistical summary of the findings.
A list of approved textbooks and handbooks along with a bulleted explanation of what changed since the 1985-1986 list
The document is FEPC minutes. Attending are Ruszkiewicz, Bertelson, Daniell, Frost, Hedrick, Kearns, and Slatin. The committee members discuss course proposals for E 306, textbook selection, and the selection of the Assistant Director of Freshman Writing for the next year.
An announcement for an upcoming FEPC listing the following agenda items: variant course proposals, textbooks, selection of assistant director 1986-1987. The course proposals to be discussed at the meeting are attached.
A memo to Ruszkiewicz, German, and Bertelson, thanking them for participating in a summer program to help at-risk students; the memo describes the program, the role of E 306 in the program, and includes a sample schedule of classes for enrolled students. The memo also describes the PREVIEW student population: about 75 students, 30 in Engineering, mostly “high risk” but some “high achievers” too, some provisional admits.
Present: Ruszkiewicz, Bertelson, Frost
Only item on the agenda: Mary S. Mathis’s variant course proposal for E 306, Writing about Images of Women in Literature and Culture
The course proposal is attached.
A memo telling Ruszkiewicz that, in his absence, the FEPC had approved an in-class exam for E 306; three motions are listed.
Items discussed: Book fair, E 306 exam. Ruszkiewicz, Bertelsen, Byerman, Frost, Cherry, Daniell, Holt in attendance.
Notes on an exam designed to identify students who need extra tutoring and then to direct them to the Writing Lab.
A list of guidelines for grading writing, including criteria correspondence to each letter grade
An assignment prompt for a literary explication paper in E 307
Request to use variant text in E 306 section.
A list of textbooks and handbooks approved for use in E 306, 1985-1986.
Letter about removing the _Handbook of Current English_ 7th ed from consideration for E 306. Explains that subcommittee will continue to consider Ruszkiewicz's handbook, while avoiding any conflict of interest or appearance thereof.
Items discussed: Variant text proposal, textbook substitution, letter of appreciation to McMurrey, Dieterich's research proposal in E 306
Faculty present: Ruszkiewicz, Bertelsen, Byerman, Cherry, Daniell
Items listed: textbook committee report, variant text proposal, plagiarism proposal; attached is Gloria Ganaway's variant text proposal
This includes an attached memo from Gloria Gannaway requesting supplementary texts for E 306
A report of a survey asking instructors what textbooks and handbooks they were using in lower-division writing classes
A memo requesting that instructors submit copies of papers that were confirmed or suspected of plagiarism