Agenda items: textbook selection, assistant director, 306 summer syllabus
Items discussed at meeting: assistant director selection, textbook adoption; attached is a report from the textbook subcommittee and the E 306 summer syllabus
Attending Meeting: Ruszkiewicz, Leclercq, McMurrey, Myers, Simon, Westbrook, Daniell, Jarratt, Jolliffe, Trachsel
Attached is an FEPC memo to the faculty reporting the approved textbooks for E 306
Attached also is a syllabus for E 306 supplement
Items listed: assistant director, E 106/206 status, computers in the writing lab, revised grading standard, variant text requests; Variant text requests attached
Items discussed at meeting: McMurrey request for computers in the writing lab, textbooks, E 106/206 decision; attached are guidelines for grading freshman writing
Members present: Ruszkiewicz, LeClerq, Myers, Simon, Westbrook, Daniell, Jarratt, Trachsel
Agenda items: assistant director, adoption of readers
Items discussed at meeting: variant text request, E 306 summer syllabus, textbook adoption
Agenda items: variant text proposals, grading standards, AIs working in the Writing Lab
Items discussed at meeting: AD interviews, decision not to offer E 106/206, David McMurrey's request for computers in the writing lab, grading standards
Members in attendance: Ruszkiewicz, Daniell, Jarratt, Jolliffe, McMurrey, Simon, Trachsel
Several proposals, with handwritten comments, from faculty for permission to use variant textbooks in their E 306 and E 308 courses.
Ngenge requests permission from the department to use a different textbook -- the McGraw-Hill Reader -- in E 306 instead of the Norton Reader.
Items discussed: variant course proposals, AGSE response to new E 306 proposals (self-paced course), E 306 syllabus revision
Items listed for discussion: variant text and course requests, proposal for E 308 Popular Culture, proposal to let E 306 students take ECT for placement, decision on assistant director 1982-1983, and adjournment.
In attendance: Kinneavy, King, Underwood, Byerman, Cook, Meyer, Marks, Merritt, and Sipiora.
A report including related documents and recommendations for new english handbook to be considered by FEPC. Only changes are a few superficial changes in Little/Brown .
Frost proposes using an alternative textbook -- A World of Ideas: Essential Readings for College Writers -- for her E 306 course and explains her rationale for the switch.
Items discussed: textbooks and new assistant director. The committee agrees that potential assistant directors must have no incompletes to be considered for the position. In attendance: Lidoff, Meyer, Ruszkiewicz, King, Jolliffee, Hay, Merrit, Trachsel, and LeClercq.
A letter to John Ruszkiewicz withdrawing Jolliffe's application for the job of assistant director so that he can work on a research project with Lester Faigley and Greg Myers.
Freshman English Policy Committee (FEPC) meeting minutes in which textbook selection was mostly discussed. Ruszkiewicz also reported that 50% of incoming students would be entering into the new composition program, while 50% of incoming students would be entering into the existing program.
In attendance: Ruszkiewicz, Hay, V. LeClercq, Lidoff, Underwood, Jollifee, Merritt, and Trachsel
Items include: textbook committee report, new E 306 syllabus, new English program
A Freshman English Policy Committee (FEPC) agenda from 25 March 1983, textbook committee report, and FEPC minutes from 9 March 1983 given to John Ruszkiewicz.
Agenda items: Text adoption, Assistant Director position, new E 306 syllabus, and "Gannaway matter" added by hand.
FEPC Minutes 9 March 1983: Textbook selection discusses, Sledd's two amendments were defeated by University Council, concerns addressed over Gloria Gannaway's choice of text in a variant course. In attendance: Ruskiewicz, Jolliffe, Hay, Merritt, King, LeClercq, and Trachsel.
Items discussed at meeting: Defeat of Sledd's amendments at University Council, textbook approval
A proposal suggesting that the FEPC develop a new E 306 syllabus that maintains the Kinneavy framework of the previous syllabus but makes several changes, such as a process orientation and an emphasis on the political character of rhetoric
Members Present: Kinneavy, Ruszkiewicz, Haney, Trimble, Cameron, Saldivar, Creel, Wainwright
The textbook committee announces E 307 texts: _Modern English Handbook_, _Triumph of Style_, and choice of either _Norton Anthology of Short Fiction_, or _Fiction 100_; the faculty push back against _Modern English Handbook_. There is also a discussion of John Walter’s dismissiveness of faculty concerns over teaching assignments. Kinneavy and Fritch urged to continue to advocate for more equitable assigning practices.
Richard Hart writes the FEPC on behalf of Bruce Gentry, asking if he can teach a tutorial variant of E 306.
Attached are Gentry’s original request and a handwritten explanation for the request.
This document is a letter written by Hoover, secretary of the Finance and Printing Committee of the Department of English, requesting $100 grant from the FEPC to print student-created materials on popular culture from Mr. Timberg's class for subsequent E 308SP classes to use.
FEPC Meeting minutes.
Items discussed:
1) Creel proposed teaching for Sophomore Literature (E314L) while counseling TA's in 307 (he indicated David Hall wished to do the same)
2) Kinneavy discussed the difficulty of establishing responsibilities for the Apprentices/Master-teachers program, which was initiated to allay concerns (raised by the Hostenback Committee of the Texas House?) over using inexperienced TA's as teachers. Issues raised include: how grad students are treated by various entities (as students or as teachers); and the fact that grad students effectively have three "bosses"
Members present: Kinneavy, Trimble, Cameron, Ruszkiewicz, Wainwright, Creel, Henry, Saldivar, Haney
FEPC Meeting. Items discussed:
1) Departmental class/course staffing procedures. Primary concerns include course offering imbalances between fall and spring semesters, and the timely availability of information re: teacher eligibility and teaching assignments. Minutes includes comments by guests Hairston, Frisch, and Brogan.
2) Committee appointments
Members present: Kinneavy, Trimble, Cameron, Haney, Ruszkiewicz, Creel, Wainwright
This item is Cameron's memo to the FEPC in which the textbook selection committee recommends two literature anthologies discussed in FEPC meeting of the same day.
FEPC Meeting. Members present: Kinneavy, Cameron, Ruszkiewicz, Eany, Wainwright, Creel, Henry
Items discussed:
1) Textbook selection for E307 and E308;
2) Results of a questionnaire circulated by an ad-hoc committee re: the Apprentice program. Lengthy discussion.
Members present: Kinneavy, Cameron, Ruszkiewicz, Haney, Wainwright, Creel, Henry
FEPC Agenda for meeting 30 September 1977 .
Items listed:
1) Departmental staffing procedures (handwritten note: "Students who do not take English Composition Test by approved date wil not take E 306 fall semester; this will balance the Fall/Spring assignments")
2) Committees and appointments
3) Report on Apprentice/Master teacher committee
4) Grade inflation
5) Report on Freshman Office experiments
6) Report on dropping English Composition Test,
7) Approval of past minutes
This document is a memo by Cameron to all faculty detailing FEPC actions on: text selection, 308 syllabus development, drafting of goals for all lower-division classes, and counselors approved for 307 and 308.