A report listing texts recommended for E 306, E 307, and E 308. Included are two motions, one asking for a subcommittee to write a syllabus for E 308.
Present at the meeting: Kinneavy, Trimble, Saldivar, Cameron, Haney, Henry, Creel, Wainwright
Items discussed: FEPC meeting time, grade inflation, apprenticeship program.
There is continued discussions of Apprentice Program, with literature faculty present as guests to discuss the program.
The textbooks approved apparently without controversy
Ruszkiewicz's copy of the FEPC agenda from 23 Sept 1977. Agenda items include: departmental staffing procedures, grade inflation, reports on current experiments conducted by Freshman Office, counselors' teaching requirements, evaluation proposal to drop ECT, and discussion of Apprentice/Master-teacher duties and activities. Handwritten comment below item #5 notes that Hall & Creel were granted exception to requirement to teach composition while counseling.
A memo from Hairston requesting a meeting with Director of Freshman English Kinneavy to talk about scheduling changes to avoid repeating a fall staff crunch. The memo suggests asking students to postpone taking English 306 until the spring in order to offer fewer sections in the fall or asking transfer students to postpone taking English 307 or 308 until the spring as well.
Linked are minutes from Freshman English Policy Committee meeting where staffing concerns were addressed.
Members Present: Kinneavy, Ruszkiewicz, Newcomb, Cameron, Byars, Hart
Items discussed: approval of minutes, Cameron on constitutional changes, Adams request
The textbook committee reported. There was extensive discussion of Constitution revisions, TA service and voting privileges, and AD responsibilities. The Adams request was discussed but not voted on.
Members present: Kinneavy, Trimble, Haney, Cameron, Ruszkiewicz, Saldivar, Creel, Henry, Wainwright
This document is a minute of the FEPC discussing grade inflation, standing committee reports, and writing lab personnel. Sledd is selected as counselor for E 308SP, while Creel and Hall are selected for E307. E 306, E 307, and E 308 textbook recommendations are proffered, and a request is made for the committee to draft goals for the Freshman course and draft a syllabus. Also discussed are the writing lab course, E 306 Ind, and the possible hiring of King to oversee the lab.
John Trimble writes to report that the memo about grade inflation, intended for all instructors of First-year writing classes, is almost ready for distribution. Attached to Trimble’s memo is a copy of the report.
An early draft of the mem about grade inflation, intended for all First-Year writing instructors. Some handwritten comments and corrections are on the pages.
FEPC meeting minutes covering three discussions:
1) how course proposals are approved and how teachers are evaluated;
2) An “Apprentice Program” (discussion postponed)
3) concerns about a grading policy (possibly re: grade inflation.)
An E 308 syllabus is mentioned in the agenda but minutes do not include any such discussion.
Members present: Kinneavy, Trimble, Saldivar, Creel, Henry, Haney, Ruszkiewitcz, Wainright, Cameron
FEPC Meeting Minutes. Items discussed: Apprenticeship program, TAC statement, FERA project.
In attendance: Kinneavy, Trimble, Creel, Wainwright, Saldivar, Cameron, Ruszkiewicz, Henry, Haney
FEPC Meeting Minutes. Items discussed: the TAC statement on Teaching Assistant probation, FEPC procedures relating to committees, textbooks, and FERA.
In attendance: Kinneavy, Trimble, Creel, Wainwright, Saldivar, Cameron, Ruszkiewicz, Henry, Haney
Kinneavy notes the TAC probation statement is negative and needs to be contextualized.
FEPC Meeting Minutes. Items discussed: FERA project, TAC statement on TA probation, report of subcommittee on grading criteria
In attendance: King, Kinneavy, Trimble, Wainwright, Creel, Saldivar, Haney, Ruszkiewicz, Henry, Cameron
Agenda for the 13 March 1978 Freshman English Policy Committee (FEPC). Agenda items include: Formative Evaluation Research Associates (FERA) project, committee reports (course evaluations, textbook, variant courses).
Freshman English Policy Committee (FEPC) minutes from 8 March 1978. The committee discusses the Formative Evaluation Research Associates (FERA) proposal at length, expressing concerns that FERA was using too small a sample size. The committee proposes a very specific set of 4 requests in order to participate and votes not to participate until FERA responds to the request, at which time they will reconsider participation. Terry Brogan's request was distributed and to be voted on at the next meet. SAT and English Composition Test (ECT) scores were discussed in relation to "testing out" of writing classes and what the specific should be for how to use the tests to determine student enrollments.
Undated and unattributed course descriptions for English 307, 306, and 308 attached to the minutes from the 13 March 1978 Freshman English Policy Committee (FEPC) meeting. The descriptions list the general description, objectives, and guidelines for choosing textbooks for each course.
Items discussed: A proposal for a revised E 308, a proposal for a standardized course review procedure, textbook subcommittee voting, and the FERA project. Faculty agreed with Ruszkiewicz's move for participation in the FERA study.
Members present: Creel, Saldivar, Kinneavy, Ruszkiewicz, Trimble, Wainwright, Haney, Cameron
Freshman English Policy Committee (FEPC) minutes from 13 March 1978. Discussion of Writing Resources Collection (WRC) for use by instructors. Kinneavy had wanted a digital index, but no work had been done on that. Length discussion about the possibilities and liabilities of working with Formative Evaluation Research Associates (FERA) study, including positives and negatives. The discussion about FERA is not resolved, ending with 5 questions raised about the scope of the study.
A complete syllabus for the lab course proposed by Tom Cameron
Items discussed: valuation of variant courses, course textbooks, TAC letter revision regarding probation on TAs, counseling, M & E report for the ECT, and personnel
Members present: Kinneavy, Trimble, Cameron, Haney, Henry, Ruszkiewicz, Saldivar, Wainwright, and Creel
Memorandum prepared by Cameron for FEPC members. The memorandum addresses the agenda for the FEPC meeting taking place on 3 May 1978 in Parlin 8B. Agenda items include: approval of minutes, reports of standing committees (textbook, variant course, personnel, program evaluation), old business (syllabus development, counseling program aka Cameron report, calendar committee), new business (E308PC course).
Present at the meeting were Kinneavy, Trimble, Cameron, Saldivar, Wainwright, Ruszkiewicz, Creel, Haney, and guest Archer.
Items discussed in the minutes include: the personnel committee, the textbook committee, variant courses, the "Popular Culture" course, and the "likely demise" of the counseling program.
Items listed and discussed: committee reports (textbook, course evaluation, variant courses), calendar committee, personnel, M & E report on ECT
Members present: Kinneavy, Trimble, Saldivar, Cameron, Wainwright, Ruszkiewicz, Creel, Henry, and Haney
This document outlines proposals for a student syllabus for E 306, E 307, and E 308, and hiring personnel to write the student versions, development of tests coordinating with the FERA and hiring personnel to administer, and a summer provisional students program.
A memo with an attached proposal outlining a summer section of E 306 tailored for provisionally accepted students
Members present: Kinneavy, Trimble, Ruszkiewicz, Cameron, Witte, Creel, Byars, Hart
Hart reports that Burns has requested to substitute E 308 sections for E 306 sections in his dissertation experiment; discussion, request unanimously approved. Witte reported on preliminary data from Witte-Kinneavy-Cameron experiment; an area of the lab will be devoted to ongoing analysis of data. Grading criteria were discussed but ultimately not revised. The meeting ends with a long discussion of athletes missing many classes.
Freshman English Policy Committee memo announcing an upcoming meeting. Items listed for discussion: report on athletics; report on 1,000 additional freshman vs. FEPC; discussion of Dean King vs. English Department; Checkers Speech; Cameron Report on Lab course.
The memo includes hand-written notes on demographic and pass/fail data for university and freshman English.
Attached is a memo from Stroud suggesting the department purchase a copy of Nixon's "Checkers" speech because it had become so popular in lower-division instruction