James Sledd describes the English department's new governance plan as an "organized indecency," pointing out the inappropriate treatment of lecturers and overall, a failed top-down approach.
Craft, Renee. "Officials Differ on Temporary Professor Use." _Daily Texan_ 4 August 1986, p. 6.
Responding to a _Chronicle of Higher Ed_ report on abuses of non-tenure-track faculty, this article features two UT departments: computer science, which praises temporary professors as a way to keep new professional information in circulation, and English, where non-tenure-track faculty can be a burden. The mass firing of English lecturers is mentioned as are last year's problems in the English Department. The Department of Art is briefly mentioned. Kruppa is quoted.
James Sledd discusses the occurrence of faculty endowments at a time when lecturers and teaching assistants are the ones teaching English courses at low pay.
In this article, James Skaggs rebuts Gribben's former claims that English department lecturers are selfish.
Gribben discusses that claims about faculty being compensated too much compared to lecturers are false, citing that he is paid only $4,000 more than the average Austin-are high school teacher.
Describes the increase in sophomore English enrollment resulting in the addition of 10 lecturers to staff composition courses.
In this article, Sledd suggests that the administration of the English Department is at fault for the issues with the department's writing courses. Sledd suggests that writing instructors and professors are overworked and underpaid, and that the creation of the Department of Rhetoric would be the English department casting the issue aside.
Cademartori, Lorraine. "Does Freshman English Exist in the Universe? Or at UT?" _Daily Texan_ 6 August 1986, p. 20C.
This article explains how the changes in the English writing curriculum will affect new first-year students with information about how to test out of E 306, when the course will no longer be offered on campus, what new courses will be offered (e.g. E 309), and which have been altered or cancelled (E 316 and E 346K). The changes are attributed to budgetary cuts and a split between tenure-track faculty who don't like to teach first-year composition and lecturers who teach most of these courses.
Ashe, Martha. "Senate Passes Motion on Lecturers Status." _Daily Texan_ 2 April 1985, p. 8. Article describes Senate vote in favor of hiring lecturers only for short term appointments.
This article discusses the English department's approval of a plan that allows "direct election to the executive committee." The article discusses the struggle within the committee in dealing with the lecturer controversy.
This article discusses the potential elimination of E 346 K, Writing About Difference, which would also cause the elimination of lecturer positions.
Blesener, Paula. "English Department Strains Under Increased Enrollment." _Daily Texan_ 20 Sept 1984, p. 8
Fisher, Laura. "Support Doubtful for Lecturer Plan." _Daily Texan_ 11 March 1983, p. 2
Fisher reports that the English faculty, at an upcoming meeting, are unlikely to approve the "Rodi plan" about lecturers. Wayne Lesser is quoted.
Daily Texan article reporting on a vote by the English Senate to enforce a restriction on the number of semesters lecturers can teach, and to request five additional assistant professor positions annually.
Fisher reports on the concerns of English lecturers: late hiring, high workload, and low wages. A recent meeting between lecturers, Kruppa, and Moldenhauer is discussed, as are potential outcomes moving forward.
Describes the hiring of 4-5 new lecturers at $13, 000 a year to teach 25 sections of English Composition previously taught by assistant instructors.
This article discusses the amending of a document that limited the number of semesters a lecturer was allowed to teach.
Mentioned in article: Sutherland, Skaggs, Friedman
This article, "English Lecturers' Jobs in Jeopardy," was published by The Daily Texas, and written by Pratt. This article discusses the passing of a set of recommendations that allowed English lecturers to teach "indefinitely," but without tenure.
Dean, David. "English Lecturers' Jobs in Jeopardy." _Daily Texan_ 28 March 1984_, p. 9
Brief article explaining that the English lecturers may not be renewed in the coming year. Joseph Kruppa is quoted.
Pratt, Todd. "Senate to Amend Rules for Rehiring English Lecturers." _Daily Texan_ 29 March 1984, p. 11
This article reports on the results of the 28 March 1984 meeting of the English Faculty Senate. Larry Carver and Charles Rossman are quoted.
This article discusses that the English department faculty will be working 3/4 time in fall 1984.
The 2nd article in a 3 part series by Laura Fisher on the concerns of English Lecturers at UT. Associate Professor Kruppa is quoted at length explaining the recent and abrupt hirings, and lecturers are reported to express their concerns over the hiring process and practices.
Fisher reports that the university is still at least a year away from solving the problem surrounding lecturers; critiques Lesser's plan for failing to state that teaching improves with experience.
Knox article in _The Daily Texan_ explains employment pursuits of some of the layed-off lecturers. Kruppa quoted at length.
As part of a three part series examining controversies surrounding UT English lecturers' positions, the article addresses the use of student evaluations as the primary criterion for the rehiring of lecturers.