An article discussing a new award for lecturers' teaching established by Dean of Liberal Arts, Robert King
"Too Soon to Give up on E 346K" discusses how elimination of E346K will wrong the students who need the course to succeed.
The 3rd article in a 3 part series on the concerns of lecturers in the English Department. Fisher reports here, specifically, regarding their workload. Both Kruppa and Sledd are quoted throughout the article on the issue; Sledd makes a shocking statement containing a racial slur in an attempt to articulate a point about lecturers being treated as 'second-class citizens'.
Fisher, Laura. "English Lecturers, Make their Jobs Secure." _Daily Texan_ 2 April 1984, p. 4.
Fisher recounts the history of lecturer situation and calls for a better solution than the one recently adopted by English EC.
An argument complaining about the reduction of English lecturer appointments to 3/4 time
A letter from Neill Megaw to the English Department Governance Committee regarding voting rights within the department.
Neill Megaw letter to dean Robert King criticizing decision to remove lecturers from deliberative decision making.
Hairston writes to say she is glad that the 346K committee valued her Chronicle article, but they should fully endorse all the changes that she suggests in the article.
Note of instructions for departing lecturers.
Robert Twombly apology to English Department faculty for removing a lecturer re-hire "scorecard" from a faculty lounge area.
Graduate student petition protesting loss of voting rights for graduate students on English Department committees, signed by graduate students at end of document. Over 50 signatures, many legible.
Sutherland addresses a recent decision/ruling by the dean that forbids graduate students from voting roles on department committees.
_The Santa Rita Express_ article extrapolating the E 346K problem as symptomatic of larger issues at the university.
A protest added to the English Department meeting 3 May 1984, complaining about procedural matters.
A report from the ad hoc committee on lecturers (26 April 1984) is attached
Item discussed: English Faculty senate resolution on the lecturer situation
A memo calling a full departmental meeting to discuss the English Faculty Senate's on lecturers, passed 6 April 1984. The full Senate resolution is included
David Gaines and John Cook offer a modified version of the EC/Senate Proposal on lecturers. They also argue against the EC/Senate Proposal to limit the number of years a lecturer can be eligible for employment.
James Kinneavy's take on the lecturer situation after the 6 April decision by the English Faculty Senate was rejected
A memo explaining that, since 17 faculty signed a statement of protest, the English faculty senate must return to the lecturer situation, discussed at the 6 April meeting
Memo to James Kinneavy, Maxine Hairston, John Ruszkiewicz, and Jim Sledd about the English Faculty Senate vote on the final version of the lecturer document, introducing a new solution to the lecturer situation
The final version of the English Department position on lecturer status, employment duration, and renewability of contracts, as approved by the English Faculty Senate 6 April 1984
Item discussed: Lecturer matters
Attending: Burch, Cook, Carton, Cullingford, Gaines, Friedman, Gordon, Gribben, Jarratt, Jolliffe, King, Kruppa, Lesser, Lidoff, Reed, Rossman, Ruszkiewicz, Scheick, Westbrook, Wevill
Items discussed: procedural matters re: the lecturer proposal, E 346K Business variant (passed)
In attendance: Burch, Cable, Carton, Cook, Cullingford, Farrell, Friedman, Gaines, Gordon, Gribben, Jolliffe, King, Kruppa, Lesser, Megaw, Reed, Ruszkiewicz, Westbrook
The primary purpose of this meeting was to discuss the report of lecturer study group, comprised of 13 members of the English department from across ranks. David Beer introduces the report for discussion and expresses hope that department will create standing committee on lecturer matters. Kruppa moves and successfully voted that all new UT PhDs be given priority in lecturers hiring (not just 5, as before). Motion to change proportion of Lecturer 1 vs 2 defeated. Motion to change language for lecturer evaluation approved. Amended report accepted by senate by vote.
The full, amended report is attached to minutes.
Items discussed: Langford and Ames will become Emeritus, Kruppa reports on spring 1984 undergrad course offerings, discussion of courses offerings and possibly revising some course titles, poet Albert Goldbarth awarded Guggenheim fellowship, move to hire another esteemed poet, David Beer reports that full report on lecturer matters will be completed by 6 May 1983.
In attendance: Moldenhauer, Cable, Carton, Cullingford, Duncan, Friedman, Gordan, Jollifee, King, Kruppe, Lesser Rossman, Skaggs.