Items discussed: revision of the departmental governance document, constitution of the Lecturer Study Group, Sacton library donation, "Rodi Proposal" (An Alternative Plan for Improving the Hiring of Lecturers) or consensus of the lecturers, faculty hiring.
Attendees: Moldenhauer, Bertelsen, Bowden, Cable, Duncan, Faigley, Friedman, Ghose, Goldbarth, Kruppa, Lesser, Megaw, Renwick, Ruszkiewicz, Sipiora, Skaggs, Stott, Wevill, Whitbread.
Items mentioned: Stackton library donation (approved), Rodi survey report to the lecturer subcommittee (approved), faculty recruitment
A memo announcing that two agenda items would be added to the 11 March 1983 meeting: Alexander Stackton Library, Lecturer Matters
Item discussed: senate subcommittee on lecturers.
Attendees: Moldenhauer, Bertelsen, Bowden, Cable, Duban, Duncan, Farrell Friedman, Jolliffe, Kruppa, Goldbarth, Lesser, Lidoff, Megaw, Ruszkiewicz, Sipiora, Skaggs, Wevill.
A memo calling a meeting of the general English faculty (instead of a meeting of the English Faculty Senate) on 25 February 1983 to discuss the report on the subcommittee on lecturers.
Attached is a memo from the Senate Subcommittee on Lecturers that moves to clarify an ambiguity in the constitution.
Items discussed: report of the subcommittee on lecturers, faculty recruitment
Attendees: Moldenhauer, Bertelsen, Bowden, Cable, Duban, Duncan, Faigley, Farrell, Friedman, Ghose, Hinojosa, Jolliffe, Kruppa, Lesser, Renwick, Ruszkiewicz, Sipiora, Skaggs, Stott, Wevill, Whitbread.
Items listed: report of lecturers committee, faculty recruitment, centennial chairs, teaching load credits subcommittee report, peer evaluation
Items discussed: undergraduate course committee recommendations (approved), faculty recruitment, graduate-student compensation, formation of a subcommittee on the status of lecturers
Items mentioned: lecturers teaching upper-division courses, super-lecturer (permanent) positions, subcommittee on lecturers, teaching award for lecturers; explanation that many faculty oppose giving greater status to lecturers
An argument that the lecturers have become an integral part of the university and the English Department, so they deserve better treatment, particularly continued employment based on performance evaluations and legitimacy
Items discussed: faculty recruitment, centennial chairs, lecturer recruitment, minor in English, library project, formation of a subcommittee on lecturers (defeated)
Attendees: Moldenhaur, Bertelsen, Bowden, Carver, Duban, Duncan, Faigley, Friedman, Ghose, Jollife, Kruppa, Lesser, Lidoff, Megaw, Renwick, Ruszkiewicz, Sipiora, Skaggs, Sott, Wevill, Whitbread.
Summary of items mentioned in a meeting of the departmental Senate, including: presidential approval of the new writing program, motion to form a subcommittee on lecturers (defeated), senate project, faculty recruitment
Items listed: report on lecturers' recruitment, minor in English, proposal for evaluating teaching of tenure-track faculty (attached), senate project
Items listed: report on the lecturers committee, faculty recruitment, centennial chairs, teaching load credit committee report
Items reported: interim report on the subcommittee on lecturers, faculty recruitment
A letter from Dean King to Moldenhauer explaining that the university budget is very tight and the college is unable to reduce the teaching load for lecturers.
Items discussed: report on the subcommittee on lecturers, and national advertising for lecturers.
In attendance: Moldenhauer, Bowden, Cable, Duncan, Endres, Newcomb, Heinzelman, Kinneavy, Kruppa, Lindfors, MacKay, Megaw, Meyer, Ohle, Reed, Rodi, Ruszkiewicz, Simon, Webb, and Whitbread.
Moldenhaur summarizes items mentioned at senate meeting, including: subcommittee report on lecturers; approval of a national search to hire lecturers 1982-1983; and vote to give hiring preference to lecturers already working in English.
Moldenhauer reports the results of an Executive Committee session, notably that the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts has approved a national search to hire lecturers in the English Department for the improvement of teaching and to accommodate an expected glut of students.
A memo explaining that official university policy requires nine teaching load credits per semester as the minimum for faculty, and that the Dean of Liberal Arts requires lecturers to teach a minimum of four courses per semester (12 teaching load credits).
Attached is the statement of official university policy.
Minutes from English Department Faculty Senate where items discussed included: governance committee recommendations, recruitment, budget preparation, and hiring.
Present are Moldenhauer, Bowden, Cable, Duncan, Endres, Farrell, Heinzelman, Lindfors, Meyer, Newcomb, Ohle, Renwick, Ruszkiewicz, Saldivar, Webb, Westbrook, and Whitbread.
Items discussed: Graham's report on Undergraduate Course Committee, lecturer subcommittee report and proposal (passed and attached), Teaching Load Credits subcommittee formation
Attendees: Moldenhaur, Bowden, Cable, Duncan, Endres, Farrell, Frost, Kinneavy, MacKay, Megaw, Meyer, Ohle, Renwick, Rodi, Ruszkiewicz, Simon, Spivak, Webb, Westbrook, Whitbread
English Department meeting minutes discussing logistical and staffing problems related to freshman composition and establishing teams to examine various issues related to teaching freshman composition. This meeting leads to the creation of the Format Teams.
Attached is Trimble's synopsis on Freshman Composition.
Proposed changes to the English Department's Executive Committee based upon Dean Robert King's requirements. Proposed changes allow lecturers to have voting rights, among other things
A proposal submitted by the Subcommittee on Lecturers, to be forwarded to the Dean of Liberal Arts by the English Department Faculty Senate. The report discusses the undue burden placed on lecturers by their heavy teaching loads.