Murray, a freshman engineering major, issues a grammatical and syntactical take down of Wilson's letter to the UT president, which expressed displeasure with the faculty's rejection of a multicultural education requirement. Murray argues that Wilson's mistakes prove that E 306 is not doing a good job teaching students how to write.
Memo convening the LDEPC to discuss E 306 curriculum and a shift to Writing About Difference, including her meeting with the Dean, and new AI preparation
Letter from John Ruszkiewicz to Carol Hartzog offering thoughts and comments on her narrative of the E 306 controversy. Hartzog had asked Gribben for comments, who in turn passed the document to Ruszkiewicz. For additional reference, Ruszkiewicz includes his 4Cs account of the controversy, one of his Daily Texan editorials, a Daily Texan editorial from student Geoff Henley, and James Sledd's response to Patricia Bizzell's letter on the topic in Radical Teacher.
Four page letter from former UT Austin graduate student Rene Williams on November 11, 1990 to John Ruszkiewicz expressing support for the positions he took on the E 306 controversy.
Linda Brodkey’s presentation to the 24th National Institute on Issues in Teaching and Learning, 1992. Brodkey discusses the philosophical and political principles behind her controversial "Writing about Difference" course.
Brodkey's account of the E 306 controversy. Attached is a copy of the E 306 syllabus including course description, reading list, schedule , unit and assignment descriptions, published 1996
Brodkey’s retrospective analysis of the E 306 syllabus.
Letter from John Ruszkiewicz to Joe (Kruppa?) dated February 10, 1991, and discussing continued E 306 controversy, reconvening committee, and the charge of the committee.
James Duban and John Ruszkiewicz letter of July 9, 1990 to Linda Brodkey expressing interest in E 306 curriculum development and proposing curriculum and textbook related motions for the LDEPC.
LDEPC meeting minutes. Items discussed: E 306 "Writing About Difference" course and textbook, standardization of curriculum and textbook at AI orientation, and a vote to accept the next year's primary text: Racism and Sexism.
Addendum April 4, 1990 Jim Duban asks that the minutes reflect his serious reservations about the standard curriculum.
In attendance: Brodkey, Duban, Fernea, Heinzelman, Kimball, Slatin, Fowler, Hinman, Villalobos
Meeting agenda for LDEPC.
Attached: letters clarifying positions taken in earlier meetings from James Duban and John Ruszkiewicz, and proposals from John Ruszkiewicz.
Memo from Linda Brodkey to LDEPC responding to objection of John Ruszkiewicz to proposed E 306 changes.
Meeting Minutes of Lower Division English Policy Committee from April 10, 1990. AI proposals for E 309 courses were discussed, as were John Ruszkiewicz's proposals for E 306 Curriculum
In attendance Brodkey, Duban, Fernea, Heinzelman, Kimball, Ruszkiewicz, Slatin, Fowler, Villalobos
Meeting minutes from LDEPC meeting on 17 April 1990. Topics discussed: Ruszkiewicz's reservations about the proposed E 306 curriculum on writing about difference, responses to these concerns, possible textboooks, and role of AIs in teaching the course.
In attendance: Brodkey, Duban, Fernea, Heinzelman, Kimball, Ruszkiewicz
Hartzog's fax of her revised chronology of events related to the E 306 controversy reflecting feedback from Ruszkiewicz. Hartzog thanks Ruszkiewicz for his input and accepts his offer to send her full LPEDC minutes.
Alan Gribben’s 3-page refutation of Brodkey’s account (20 July 1993), mailed to Brodkey (University of California San Diego), cc-ed to Phyllis Franklin, Executive Director of MLA.
Gribben addresses a host of misrepresentations and statements made by Brodkey, Friedman and others, assuring Brodkey that he will not permit her to repeat certain falsehoods in her planned MLA publication, while threatening legal action if necessary.
A letter to Phyllis Franklin, Executive Director of the Modern Language Association, asking how long it will take for unfair portrayals of the E 306 opponents to stop.
A redacted extended defense of Gribben's place in the E 306 controversy.
From C-SPAN:
"Professor Gribben detailed his experiences fighting 'political correctness' in academia in an address to a forum of the conservative educators' group Accuracy in Academia...Professor Gribben reported harassment from his colleagues and administrators after he began to expose the liberal bias in American higher education curricula he characterized as engineered by the radical left."
A revised version of Gribben's refutation of Sara Diamond's "Reading' Writin' and Repressin'" (_Z Magazine_ February 1991)
An article on the E 306 controversy, taking the side of those supporting the Brodkey syllabus
A redacted letter draft refuting the portrayal of opponents of E 306 in a recent issue of the MLA newsletter.
A redacted letter to John Ruszkiewicz including an excerpt from another (unnamed) person's heavily redacted letter, describing Linda Brodkey's reception while giving a lecture on the "Troubles at Texas."
Topics discussed: Various faculty concerns with changes in E 306 curriculum, Writing About Difference, Petition regarding changes in Sophomore English requirement
In attendance and speaking: Kruppa, Brodkey, Luedke, Hilfer, Marcus, Kearns, Frost, Lesser, Hairston, Duban, Fitzgerald, Ericson, Ruszkiewicz, Kimball, Worthen, Kidd, Voss, Kelly, Warshauer, Zuren, Kinneavy, Downs-Gamble, Heinzelman, Barbara Harlow, Rita Copeland, Kelley, Bose, Taylor, Bertelsen, Worthen, Velz, Rebhorn, Bump
A lengthy lecture about Gribben's experience at UT from 1987 (when he says his ostracism began) through the E 306 controversy