Writing in the Disciplines
Item set
Things I Want in/from the Rhetoric Division
Unattributed list of desired resources and goals for a new DRC. The writer emphasizes that he or she does not want to hear any more "public decanal criticism of the English Department," and rather desires a clear articulation from the Dean about why the DRC is the best course. -
Minutes of the University Council meeting 21 March 1994
The minutes of the University Council meeting where the Fowler report was deliberated and where its recommendations were approved in part. Among the recommendations made to faculty council is the full implementation of the Undergraduate Writing Center for all students (not just those in DRC classes) and more faculty involvement across the university in writing instruction. There is controversy among the faculty about whether these and other proposed motions will finally improve writing at UT. -
Report of the University Council Committee to Examine the Undergraduate Writing Program (Draft)
The "Fowler" report about undergraduate writing instruction across the university and the Substantial Writing Component initiative. A draft of the Fowler report without appendices The report that many of the problems in SWC courses located in the 1987 report persist: decentralized, variable quality, not enough feedback on students’ writing, some departments not offering enough SWC courses and others making up the balance, limited resources The committee offers several recommendations to address these concerns.