E 346K Information Copy to Bill Sutherland



E 346K Information Copy to Bill Sutherland


Joe Malof


19 February 1984


Joe Malof writes the E 346K committee to say that English Department Chair William Sutherland will join the committee for their first meeting 22 February 1984. Items of concern mentioned by Malof for the committee to consider include: course descriptions for the four variants of E 346K, textbook selection for all sections of E 346K, and Kinneavy's meetings with future instructors of E 346K. An 11-item agenda is attached that mentions: transitioning to the new requirements featuring E 346K, required/recommended textbooks, allowances for experimentation in the course, the possibility of a fourth (business) variant, and research guides for each variant of the course, developed by the staff at the Perry Castaneda Libarary.


James Kinneavy Papers, Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, Box 4M800

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